Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Adam S 12/29
Charlie H 12/29
Joey K 12/29
Max I 12/29
Sammy L 12/29
Carl N 12/29
Jack M 12/29
Alex N 12/29
Sam J 12/29
Tom H 12/29

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Outside Reading-Blades of Glory 2

I have continued to read my outside reading book, Blades of Glory. The more and more i read it the better and better it gets but some of it i do not really agree with. I mean i no that older hockey players chew and stuff but i did not think that high school kids did? especially ones that were that good. That stuff just ruins your skill and in the book it talks about how on the way back from one of there games all the players throw in chews and none of them get caught doing it. I thought wow how can a team that good do such a stupid thing like that. But i suppose it was just a bad decision. In the book i also love how it mentions Edina and in the book one of my hockey coaches is named in it so that was pretty cool. A lot of these players i recognize because they are either in the NHL or they are nationally recognized and because we live in Minnesota it is even bigger. Also it is pretty cool to know that i skate on the same ice as some of the NHL players do. Like Braemar arena or Bloomington Ice Gardens. Any of those rinks. I love reading a book that i can relate to and say that is a neighbor town of the one that i live in today and that ya i no who so and so is. It is just a really cool feeling for me.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Outside Reading-Blades of Glory 1

For the second quarter I am reading Blades of Glory by John Rosengren. It is about the 00-01 Jefferson Jaguars (from Minnesota) who are one of the most winning high school hockey teams in the nation and it tells there story of one of there most memorable years ever. The author was given full access to the team that year and could go with them wherever they go and he wrote this book about the team and how they struggle and strive to there ultimate goal, to win the state high school hockey tournament and hopefully play college hockey and maybe even the pros. But in Minnesota hockey is more than a game it is life. Every 1 in 113 Minnesotans play hockey and we produce the best hockey players there is in the game right now. When people think of Texas they think of football, when people think of Mexico they think of soccer, when people think of California they think of basketball and when people think of Minnesota it is hockey. Always has been and always will be. If you ask me I think it is because it is one of the coldest places in the US but until next blog. Peace

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Road Soundtrack

I think a good addition to the Road soundtrack would be “You can’t always get what you want” by the Rolling Stones because it kind of tells the story of the man and little boy. Also the tone kind of fits the one in the story and makes it sad because the man and boy just want to live in peace but can not because of the post-apocalyptic world. A Quote from the song is “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need”. I believe that is very true and that they are not getting what they want but that they are getting what they need to survive pretty much. A quote from the book is when “He went through the plywood lockers overhead but they were empty. There were drawers under the bunk and he pulled them out and looked through the trash”. This describes that they are trying to find things that possibly need or just things they might want. I think that “You can’t always get want you want” by the Rolling Stones would be a great addition to the soundtrack cause it goes with the book very well.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Road-first thoughts

My thoughts on the road are that it seems like a pretty good book. It seems a lot like I Am Legend though just like Mrs.B said. I do like it is very descriptive about everything though. It is very interesting on some of the things being talked about and described to the fullest extent. Like a Raw pig. You could just say that there was a raw pig in the barn but not in this book. In this book it explained to the fullest extent. Like how the pig is bloody and its eyes have blood coming out of them and is hung upside down....I do not need to know that kind of stuff. Also it explains a lot of the same things over and over again. It kind of sees that everyday is pretty much the same thing. They wake up go through peoples houses or barns or stuff like that then they make dinner then go to bed. Same thing over and over again. But aside from gruesomeness and the repeating of everything, it is a pretty good book so far. A lot better than Siddhartha and the Odyssey so far...Hopefully it will be better because I can not stand another terrible book like the others we have read.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Audi A6

An Audi A6 is hopefully going to be my first car. About 2 weeks ago my mom said your birthday is coming up in about a month and a half what kind of a present do you want. I told her theirs only 1 thing I want and that is a car and she told me well what kind and how much? I had already picked out the car I want online and it is at a BMW moterworks dealership in Minnetonka. The car I had picked out was a black Audi A6 4.2 Quattro for $8,160. With it comes tinted windows new tires and a great sound system. At first I was wondering why it was so low priced when it was such a nice car. Well it had 100,000 miles on it but it didn’t matter because it had just got repairs on it so it wouldn’t have a lot of repairs when I got it. My mom then said well we will see...so for my birthday hopefully I can get that car because I really want it and I will be really happy if I get it cause then if anyone wanted to race me they would just look at my car and say well im going to lose so never mind and I would never have to race anyone cause I would be unstoppable. I also looked in to getting NOS(from fast and the furious), but it turns out it is illegal so ill just get big subs in the car as well or just get a couple more cylinders so I can go fast...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts on the Odyssey #2

My thoughts on the Odyssey have not changed since the last time I posted but I have to admit it was a pretty good ending when Odysseus comes back and slaughters all the suitors and him and Penelope reunite. I hate the how the book leads up to all that. It was kind off a short but alright ending. For how it was leading up to it should have been The Dark Knight material...It did not even come close. But that’s alright because I am a very picky book reader and I don not like a lot of books if you have noticed Mrs. B. I liked how we watched the movie class though. That helped me a lot when it comes to the study guides, quizzes, and the test hopefully. Also I like the movie because the book was sometimes confusing to me with the way they talked it but that’s alright because we and the movie. I am Very excited for next unit though when we get to watch Brother Where art though. It should be a fun unit and we don not have to read a book which is always a plus in my book. It will be fun I am sure.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thoughts on the Odyssey

My thoughts on the odyssey right now are that it is a very good book. I really like it. It is my kind of read because it is a lot of fighting and gore. It also explains our life today just in is everyday life. I do admit I would probably like the lliad more because from what I hear it is a lot more fighting and I love those kinds of books. But this book is just fine because I love how adventurous it is and how it moves very quickly. Also I love the names of the people in it. You never see people today walking down the street saying "o look there’s Telemachus son of Odysseus". No you just don’t see it. But a lot of what they did back then transferred over to how we do things in life today. For instance the houses, cities, islands, and countries. They also built there own ships just like we do today and they believe in a ruler just like we do. They believed in things to trade instead today we have money for that. But as of right now I am really enjoying the book and I love the suspense in it and it is kind off like a book written today just in the language they had back then.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Outside Reading 2

Last weekend I finished my outside reading book (The Ghost War). In the end I did not like the book as much as I wanted to but not bad. It was a very predicting book. You always knew what was going to happen next. They author tried to make it suspenseful but it really was not at all. As far as adventurous goes it was pretty good because it toke place all over the world. The main plot of the book I thought was very good but the way he told it, it kind of sucked. It is more of and adult book than a teenager book for sure. I would recommend it to people older than 30 years old because at times it was hard to follow as well. But I suppose it is my fault for choosing the book even though my dad recommended it to me. But I understand why he wanted me to read it. Because he is a lot smarter than me and understands things more than I do. Overall I would rate the book about 4 out of 10 for me. It was also pretty long so it was pretty painful to read at times. I would recommend it to you though Ms. B

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

MEA Weekend

My MEA weekend was very fun. On Wednesday I hung out at my friend’s house and played NHL 09 and had a bone fire and a lot of people came over to his house. Thursday I had to mow my neighbor’s lawn then I long boarded over to my friends house and we went and got lunch then just hung out then later met up with people and went to dinner. Friday I slept in pretty late then went to my friend’s house then met up with a couple people later than my friend slept over and we had a good time. Then I next day I just hung out with people just like everyday then on Sunday did my homework and hung out and went frolfing with a couple friends. Then I had dinner with my parents and it was really good because my mom made one of my favorite dinners ever. Steak and mash potatoes. It was really good and I liked it. But I am still kind of ....ed off that I couldn’t go down to Arizona cause I was suppose to but my grandpa had to have surgery but its fine my MEA was pretty chill anyway.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Detroit @ Vikings

Last weekend on Sunday the Minnesota Vikings Played the Detroit Lions at the Metrodome. I was watching it at my house and doing my homework. It was a very good game but the Vikings were supposed to kill them and Detroit made a game out of it. Detroit w as leading for the whole game but in the 4th quarter the Vikings decided to start trying and they came back and won with a last second field goal by Ryan Longwell to raise the Vikings over the Lions 12-10. It all started out with the Vikings getting a safety then the lions coming back and scoring on a touchdown by Calvin Johnson to make it 7-2. Then the Lions scored a field goal to make it 10-2. Then with 5 minutes left in the game AP (Adrian Peterson) scored a TD to make it 10-9 and then the Lions ended punting and with 5 seconds left the Vikings pulled off a 52-yard field goal to make it 12-10 and lift them to 3-3 and make the Lions 0-5. So that was my Sunday experience watching 1 of many good games that day. Until next blogger I am out. Boo yaaa

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This weekend was homecoming. The game was a lot of fun and I was glad that we won in the final minute of the game. But the real fun was the dance. My date for homecoming was Gabbie Brown. We had a lot of fun together. Other people in my group consisted of Joe Stafford Cole Briggs Kyle Engler John and David Erdall Nate Carlson Chris Klobacar Brendan Canova and Nick Wiedner and there dates. We started out with pictures which were at the Briggs and it was kind of boring. Then we got in are 20 foot white Escalade limo and trucked around for 2 hours. Went around the lakes and pumped the tunes. Then we all went to Maggionos which was Delicious and I was completely stuffed after it. Then came the dance and other than it was around 200 degrees in the dance area it was really fun. I saw a lot of people that I knew. Then we went to the after party at the Stafford's house and that was fun. Just kind of a chill time there. Just sat around the bonfire and hung out. So that was my Homecoming and it was a lot of fun and I cant wait for next year.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am Soccer

I am on a soccer team for the school called I am soccer and what it is, is one person who is designated the team captain picks who he want to be on his team and you can have as many people as you want on it. Everyone meets down by the tennis courts on the crappy fields on the first day it starts and teams play each other to see who the best team is. The guy who runs it is the varsity coach for the southwest soccer team. He is pretty tight but I don’t know his name, but he is cool anyway. I would tell you who is on my team but someone won’t let me put names on here (Mrs.Burgess). In our first game we rocked the other team like 10-1. But in our second game we barely lost to a SOPHMORE SOCCER TEAM, 4-3. Still not bad for kids who don’t even play soccer. I think my team is pretty good but and I think we have a real shot at winning the title but if we do actually win the title that would be embarrassing for the other teams. They should all quit if they lose to us. Peace out

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Outside Reading

For my outside reading book i have decided to read The Ghost War by Alex Berenson. Both my mom and dad have read the book and they both agree that it is one of the best books that they have ever read. It is about a CIA agent trying to stop a very devistating terrorist attack from happening and he is trying very hard to let everyone know. But no one will believe him so he tries to get evidence on how that it is true and the CIA finally finds out that it is true so they try to stop the deadly attack. But meanwhile a deadly power play in China and a mission gone wrong in Iran everything is crashing down and he has to try to take care of everything and in this story John Wells is a hero and he is very brave in this novel. He is like a 007 type of guy. I am very excited to read this book because i have heard nothing but raves about it and it is one of the best sellers i hear so it is a nail biting book that should be pretty good. Till next blooger cyaaa

(201 words) boo yaa

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Football Game

It was 2 Fridays ago when I attended the Edina vs. Hopkins football game at Kulhman Field. It was a good time and pretty much everyone was there. I showed up with about 5 of my friends and we were a little bit late because we had went to chipotle before the game and when we got there it was packed and we had to go sit in seats that weren’t by are friends. After a while when some people would leave we would go jack the good spots. It was a good game and I didn’t get to see the end of it because Hopkins was blowing us out of the water so I had no intention to stay and watch a blowout. But their was a lot of funny stuff that I saw as well. It was in the middle of the 2nd quarter and I was dozing off and out of the corner of my eye I saw a friend of mine crowd surfing and I got a good laugh out of that. That’s just 1 example o f the crazy and funny stuff I saw that night. All in all it was a pretty good night.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

If i had to choose one journey that i intended to take it would be my trips down to Belize. I have gone there 4 times in my life and evrytime i go down there it just gets better and better. You can pretty much do what ever you want down there and there is so much to do. Everything is with in walking distance so there are no cars, just bikes. The fishing down there is some of the best you will ever see. Everyone is freindly down there cause evryone knows everyone. The food is awesome because there is alot of wierd things to eat but there all really good. When your there you dont have to worry about anything. All of those are reasons why i intenede to go to Belieze for my journey.

My name is Alec. This is my super cool blog, which I will personalize and make my own (but not post pics of myself on or use my last name on). I will always use appropriate language on my school blog and follow the conventions of the English language.The expectation for this assignment is that I post on my blog once a week for the remainder of the school year. I am expected to comment on texts that I am viewing in the world around me. These might include, but are not limited to: books, magazines, movies, internet articles, television shows, trips to museumes, etc.Each post should be at least 200 words. Each weekly post is due by 8am on that wednesday. Therefore, Q1 due dates are: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22 and 10/29. THat makes for a total of 7 posts this first quarter. I understand that blogs are worth 100 points per quarter and are graded holistically (I will receive the rubric from Mrs. B. soon). U also understand that vlogging is a significant component of my quarter grade. By the way, what I have just typed is only 196 words! Now it is 200!