Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Outside Reading 2

Last weekend I finished my outside reading book (The Ghost War). In the end I did not like the book as much as I wanted to but not bad. It was a very predicting book. You always knew what was going to happen next. They author tried to make it suspenseful but it really was not at all. As far as adventurous goes it was pretty good because it toke place all over the world. The main plot of the book I thought was very good but the way he told it, it kind of sucked. It is more of and adult book than a teenager book for sure. I would recommend it to people older than 30 years old because at times it was hard to follow as well. But I suppose it is my fault for choosing the book even though my dad recommended it to me. But I understand why he wanted me to read it. Because he is a lot smarter than me and understands things more than I do. Overall I would rate the book about 4 out of 10 for me. It was also pretty long so it was pretty painful to read at times. I would recommend it to you though Ms. B

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

MEA Weekend

My MEA weekend was very fun. On Wednesday I hung out at my friend’s house and played NHL 09 and had a bone fire and a lot of people came over to his house. Thursday I had to mow my neighbor’s lawn then I long boarded over to my friends house and we went and got lunch then just hung out then later met up with people and went to dinner. Friday I slept in pretty late then went to my friend’s house then met up with a couple people later than my friend slept over and we had a good time. Then I next day I just hung out with people just like everyday then on Sunday did my homework and hung out and went frolfing with a couple friends. Then I had dinner with my parents and it was really good because my mom made one of my favorite dinners ever. Steak and mash potatoes. It was really good and I liked it. But I am still kind of ....ed off that I couldn’t go down to Arizona cause I was suppose to but my grandpa had to have surgery but its fine my MEA was pretty chill anyway.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Detroit @ Vikings

Last weekend on Sunday the Minnesota Vikings Played the Detroit Lions at the Metrodome. I was watching it at my house and doing my homework. It was a very good game but the Vikings were supposed to kill them and Detroit made a game out of it. Detroit w as leading for the whole game but in the 4th quarter the Vikings decided to start trying and they came back and won with a last second field goal by Ryan Longwell to raise the Vikings over the Lions 12-10. It all started out with the Vikings getting a safety then the lions coming back and scoring on a touchdown by Calvin Johnson to make it 7-2. Then the Lions scored a field goal to make it 10-2. Then with 5 minutes left in the game AP (Adrian Peterson) scored a TD to make it 10-9 and then the Lions ended punting and with 5 seconds left the Vikings pulled off a 52-yard field goal to make it 12-10 and lift them to 3-3 and make the Lions 0-5. So that was my Sunday experience watching 1 of many good games that day. Until next blogger I am out. Boo yaaa

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This weekend was homecoming. The game was a lot of fun and I was glad that we won in the final minute of the game. But the real fun was the dance. My date for homecoming was Gabbie Brown. We had a lot of fun together. Other people in my group consisted of Joe Stafford Cole Briggs Kyle Engler John and David Erdall Nate Carlson Chris Klobacar Brendan Canova and Nick Wiedner and there dates. We started out with pictures which were at the Briggs and it was kind of boring. Then we got in are 20 foot white Escalade limo and trucked around for 2 hours. Went around the lakes and pumped the tunes. Then we all went to Maggionos which was Delicious and I was completely stuffed after it. Then came the dance and other than it was around 200 degrees in the dance area it was really fun. I saw a lot of people that I knew. Then we went to the after party at the Stafford's house and that was fun. Just kind of a chill time there. Just sat around the bonfire and hung out. So that was my Homecoming and it was a lot of fun and I cant wait for next year.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am Soccer

I am on a soccer team for the school called I am soccer and what it is, is one person who is designated the team captain picks who he want to be on his team and you can have as many people as you want on it. Everyone meets down by the tennis courts on the crappy fields on the first day it starts and teams play each other to see who the best team is. The guy who runs it is the varsity coach for the southwest soccer team. He is pretty tight but I don’t know his name, but he is cool anyway. I would tell you who is on my team but someone won’t let me put names on here (Mrs.Burgess). In our first game we rocked the other team like 10-1. But in our second game we barely lost to a SOPHMORE SOCCER TEAM, 4-3. Still not bad for kids who don’t even play soccer. I think my team is pretty good but and I think we have a real shot at winning the title but if we do actually win the title that would be embarrassing for the other teams. They should all quit if they lose to us. Peace out