Wednesday, March 16, 2011

True Grit, Stagecoach, and Unforgiven Comparisons

I believe Stagecoach and True Grit are similar in many ways which include them both being classic western films that accurately display the realistic events of the time period rather than a revised untrue portrait of the western time period. Both also have similar character roles that include related problems in the time period, which creates a suspenseful and exciting movie. Both films included similar settings throughout the films. The camera movement seemed to be similar except way more upgraded in True Grit. The costume and make up in both films fit the classic western cowboy and the weirdly dressed woman. Both films portrayed a lot of similar traits but differed in the story being told.

True Grit and Unforgiven have many comparisons that include one of the main characters is a drunken killer and is asked to kill a certain people. Another comparison of the films are the consistently similar settings, which along with the characters and Mise-en-scene, they all hint the time period. The costumes seemed to going for a similar look along with lighting in certain scenes like when its at a suspenseful scene and the villain is about to die with the gun pointed at them. The camera angles were consistently similar in the use of the tracking method. Also i noticed the sounds and music were similar in the sense that it hinted the mood and tone of the scene.

I believe that True Grit display more of a classic western instead of a revisionist western in traits that include the overall plot and message in the movie which in similar to the old west. The costume and make up along with the setting all hinted the time period and how life was along with the conflicts that can arise and how different it is to the present. All the characters traits were similar to the western time period which consisted of anything from how they spoke to the decisions they made. I thought it was very clear and well told classic western film that consisted of a very accurate description of the western time period.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clips A, B, C, and D Evaluation

In clip A from oceans eleven i liked how they set a very good mood for the upcoming scenes so that the original settings would all tie into the story. They used very good key lighting in the clip shown, but also utilized the quality and direction of the camera along with the zoom lens. The composition in the clip was very good cause it set up a suspenseful scene after the clip to make you keep watching. The framing in the clip could have been better because the angles of the shots were weird at times but it was trying to create a certain shot on the characters. the camera movement was very well done and is clearly a crane or steadicam cause it was very clear and steady. Good sound and editing also in the clip.

In Clip B from Strangers on a train had very good story telling info along with meaningful settings that lead to later moments of importance. The makeup was very generic and original for this clip. The lighting i thought was very impressive becasue they used low and high key, along with fill lighting. But the direction and quality of the lighting made the biggest difference i believe. Average and unoriginal composition but wasnt terrible. I thought the clip excelled in perspective and framing because they utilized the lens and their lengths, along with great angles to back it up. The camera movement was good but ordinary and i didnt notice anything that stood out as being great movement. The editing seemed very time consuming and difficult but that made it just that much of a better film because of the scene editing.

In clip C from Silence of the Lambs, the clip sets a very important setting and plot in the movie. This movie is filled with twists and turns and unexpected events, which gives this movie an incredible plot and depth of info. The costume and makeup are also very scary but very creative for a horror film. The lighting is perfect in the clip and adds alot of suspense with the fill lighting and direction. The composition couldnt be much better in my opinion. Along with the perspective and framing in the clip which creates terrifying settings and scenes. Most of the angles and lighting are the same throughout the movie and the clip. I think they could've added a couple different lens or lighting techniques but the ones used defiantly fit the story. I believe the talent in editing this film was what made it so good because they do so many different shots and actions which seem impossible. The camera movement was also very good because they used the tracking method when the wanted to create suspense and a steadicam when it was calm scene.

In clip D from Magnolia it seems to have a good story telling depth and plot. I thought the zoom could have been utilized better in the clip. The lighting was very good and made sense for the different scene and setting for that clip. I thought the composition could have been better but was fine overall. They did a pretty good job of framing and using the correct angles when shooting the clip. The camera movement throughout the clip could have been better just because they didnt follow the scene like i would have or captured the important info in the clip. To long of duration between shots i thought as well. Editing seemed very well done and put together nicely for the story.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Picture Nominee Blogging Assignment

1.True Grit-True Grit was my number one choice for best picture because it displays punishment, life in the wild west, hardship, character, heart, friendship, and most importantly doing the right thing. The strotytelling merits in this film were excellent because they story took twists and turns when no one expected them, but still put all the peieces back together in a great way. All of the cast in this film had award winning performances because they all played their parts just way you would imagine them if you read the book. The films cinematic merits were also very well done becaus ethey stuck to a theme and kept displaying all the charateristics of a western film, even though i wish they would focus more on Tom Chaney then they did in the movie where he was only shown for a maximum of 10 minutes, which is the only down fall of this movie i feel.
2.The Social Network- i believe this was great story of a man who has always been on a different level smarts then anyone he comes into contact with. It shows his whole life leading up to the invention of facebook. But thing i liked about the film the most was the way it showed is flaws in life, which just shows everyone has problems and that not everyone has a perfect life in hollywood. the storytelling merits of this film was outstanding because it shows all the oppsticals leading up to his billion dollar site. The performance in this movie was also mind blowing because the main actor playing mark zuckerberg does a great job of being smarter than everyone and knowing his limits and the bright future he has in front of him and always stressing that money means nothing to him. The film based merits could have been better only because some the scenes of him being prosecuted got kind of old at times, also some pointless scenes that didnt make sense the first time watching the film. Overall great film and well made.
3.Inception-this was agood movie but i feel couldve been alot better and shorter in length because their were alot of pointless scenes and seemed like they would never end. It had great storytelling merits becaus ethe story is an award winning script becaus ethe theme and message behide the film was genius in my opinion. The performance i believe couldbve been better because the charcters were all so perdictable and didnt fit the charcters that i imagined if i had not seen the film. I believe the film based merits were the worst becausre it skipped around and was very hard to follow along with alot of pointless actions that have no explaination for unless you have seen the movie more than once.
4.Winters Bone-This wasnt a bad movie i just believe that the story behide it was very dark and sad through out the whole movie and it never got better which was really a turn off for me. The message behide the story was terrible to because her father was a meth cooker and they live in this excluded town with familys drugged up all the time, which is a terrible cinematic flaw. The stroytelling was ok but still was not very good only because of the drugs in the movie, but i believe this would be a great anti drug movie. The performances were good only by ree, anyone could be the drugged up hicks in the town, thats not hard. The film based merits were terrble because it was a terrible message and theme, not to mention their was never a climax of the story. becasue if their was it would be cutting her fathers arms off to prove he was dead and thats not a climax at all.
5.The kings speech- this movie was terrible because it is not realistic, how can you have that bad of a speech impedement and be the king, these do not match up and everything about this film was unrealistic and cheesy.The storytelling marits were ok becaus ethe message and theme in it were just a normal movies merits and were not out of the ordinary because you could predict what was going to happen next. The performance by the king was pretty goood but kind of easy and cheesy because all of his problems were unrealistic and made no sense at times. The film based merits were terrible because it skipped around alot and was very predictable and was overall a terrible plot and very simple.
6.Toy story 3-this was terrible movie, i am very mad i waisted my time watching this. all the other toy storys were aculley bareable to watch, this movie sucked and just killed toy story.The storytelling was just like the first 2 movies with nothing new. The performance were the exact same just with a few new charcters which i hated.The film based merits were terrible because the basically copied the first 2 movie. It is to bad they had to make a third movie and completely ruin the first 2 movies with such a terrible third one because i will never watch the first 2 again cause i saw the third one.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review

The Fighter
Brainstorming:Sad, hardship, opportunity, choosing sides, family, chocies, help, determination, new beginning, the right thing, morals, karma, underestimated, hope.
Review of The Fighter:This movie is about a man who is a professional boxer and his brother is his trainer who is a washed up boxer but has made some bad chocies after his career. The lead charcter mark whalberg has to go through hardships from his decieving family and problems that arent his. But when he finally decides to live his own life instead of helping people with theirs, is when he finds his true passion and talent in life without anyone their to get in his way, on his road to a championship title fight.